Neonatal and Pediatric Respiratory Care, 5th Edition

eBook Description

Learn to improve the respiratory care of neonates, infants, and children. Neonatal and Pediatric Respiratory Care, 5th Edition gives you a solid foundation in the assessment and treatment of respiratory disorders. Clear, full-color coverage simplifies the principles of respiratory care while emphasizing clinical application. A critical piece in respiratory care’s total curriculum solution, this new edition includes all the changes in current clinical practice and in the education environment. Learning objectives at the beginning of each chapter break down key content into measurable behaviors, criteria, and conditions, and self-assessment questions provide an excellent review for the NBRC Neonatal/Pediatric Specialty exam.
UPDATED! Content reflects the latest developments in the field meeting the needs of AD programs and BS Respiratory Care programs which are growing in this field.
NBRC exam-style assessment questions test your comprehension of the material in each chapter.
Neonatal and pediatric disorders case studies provide an opportunity to see how content covered in the text applies to the more difficult areas of care for neonatal and pediatric disorders.
Comprehensive test preparation is provided through coverage of all the content in the matrix for the NPS exam.
Learning objectives at the beginning of each chapter highlight what you should learn by breaking down key content into measurable behaviors, criteria, and conditions.
Academic and authoritative presentation of content covers all of the major topics of respiratory care for neonates, infants, and children, including both theory and application.
Dedicated Quality and Safety chapter addresses quality care for the neonatal/pediatric patient.
NEW! Revised chapter Invasive Mechanical Ventilation of the Neonate and Pediatric Patient, conforms to the new terminology and taxonomy for modes of ventilation.
NEW! Additional case studies provides more application opportunities for you.
NEW! Revised content better correlates to the NBRC NPS exam.

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eBook Description

Learn to improve the respiratory care of neonates, infants, and children. Neonatal and Pediatric Respiratory Care, 5th Edition gives you a solid foundation in the assessment and treatment of respiratory disorders. Clear, full-color coverage simplifies the principles of respiratory care while emphasizing clinical application. A critical piece in respiratory care’s total curriculum solution, this new edition includes all the changes in current clinical practice and in the education environment. Learning objectives at the beginning of each chapter break down key content into measurable behaviors, criteria, and conditions, and self-assessment questions provide an excellent review for the NBRC Neonatal/Pediatric Specialty exam.
UPDATED! Content reflects the latest developments in the field meeting the needs of AD programs and BS Respiratory Care programs which are growing in this field.
NBRC exam-style assessment questions test your comprehension of the material in each chapter.
Neonatal and pediatric disorders case studies provide an opportunity to see how content covered in the text applies to the more difficult areas of care for neonatal and pediatric disorders.
Comprehensive test preparation is provided through coverage of all the content in the matrix for the NPS exam.
Learning objectives at the beginning of each chapter highlight what you should learn by breaking down key content into measurable behaviors, criteria, and conditions.
Academic and authoritative presentation of content covers all of the major topics of respiratory care for neonates, infants, and children, including both theory and application.
Dedicated Quality and Safety chapter addresses quality care for the neonatal/pediatric patient.
NEW! Revised chapter Invasive Mechanical Ventilation of the Neonate and Pediatric Patient, conforms to the new terminology and taxonomy for modes of ventilation.
NEW! Additional case studies provides more application opportunities for you.
NEW! Revised content better correlates to the NBRC NPS exam.


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eBook Details

Categories: Medicine – Pediatrics

Year: 2018

Edition: 5

Publisher: Saunders Elsevier

Language: English

Pages: 734

ISBN 10: 0323479472

ISBN 13: 9780323545945

File: PDF, 71.08 MB