Microbiology: Laboratory Theory & Application, Brief 3rd Edition

eBook Description

This manual is appropriate for courses populated primarily by allied health students or for courses where an abbreviated number of experiments is preferred. This new edition has been carefully revised to provide increased clarity, better organization, and improvements to its already unsurpassed photography and artwork. These features have made this manual and its associated title, Microbiology: Laboratory Theory & Application, 4e, the best-selling microbiology lab manual series on the market.
Features include the following: Theory and Application provide students with the general principles and everyday purpose of the labs; “In This Exercise” clearly explains what students can expect as they work through the Lab Procedures; Biochemical Reactions for the Organism and Indicator Reactions of the Test depict the reactions taking place in the lab; Materials, Medium Recipes, and Lab Procedures give students step-by-step instructions for conducting the labs. Biosafety levels are also included so that students are aware of the safety precautions necessary for each lab; Tables of Results help students organize and interpret results; Data Sheets provide students room to record their data and answer critical thinking questions; high-quality, full-color photographs, micrographs, and illustrations ensure that students have color-accurate visual representations of what they will see in the lab; photographs and Procedural Diagrams outline the steps necessary to correctly complete the lab; photographs with directional arrows help ensure students use proper technique; clearly written, informative captions help ensure students use proper technique in the lab.

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eBook Description

This manual is appropriate for courses populated primarily by allied health students or for courses where an abbreviated number of experiments is preferred. This new edition has been carefully revised to provide increased clarity, better organization, and improvements to its already unsurpassed photography and artwork. These features have made this manual and its associated title, Microbiology: Laboratory Theory & Application, 4e, the best-selling microbiology lab manual series on the market.
Features include the following: Theory and Application provide students with the general principles and everyday purpose of the labs; “In This Exercise” clearly explains what students can expect as they work through the Lab Procedures; Biochemical Reactions for the Organism and Indicator Reactions of the Test depict the reactions taking place in the lab; Materials, Medium Recipes, and Lab Procedures give students step-by-step instructions for conducting the labs. Biosafety levels are also included so that students are aware of the safety precautions necessary for each lab; Tables of Results help students organize and interpret results; Data Sheets provide students room to record their data and answer critical thinking questions; high-quality, full-color photographs, micrographs, and illustrations ensure that students have color-accurate visual representations of what they will see in the lab; photographs and Procedural Diagrams outline the steps necessary to correctly complete the lab; photographs with directional arrows help ensure students use proper technique; clearly written, informative captions help ensure students use proper technique in the lab.


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eBook Details

  • Categories: Medicine
  • Year: 2016
  • Edition: 3rd
  • Publisher: Morton Publishing Company
  • Language: English
  • Pages : 656
  • ISBN 10: 1617314773
  • ISBN 13: 9781617314773
  • File: PDF, 79.75 MB