Explore and Download Investments 13th Edition international Student Edition eBook PDF by Zvi Bodie
eBook Overview :
Investments, 13th Edition by Zvi Bodie, Alex Kane, and Alan Marcus (ISBN-13: 9781264412662) is the go-to graduate-level text for courses in investment analysis. Known for its clear presentation and practical relevance, this edition aligns closely with the CFA Institute curriculum, helping students master the core principles of investment analysis. The text emphasizes critical themes such as market efficiency, risk-return trade-off, and asset allocation while offering deep coverage on futures, options, and derivatives markets.
With features that blend theory and practice, Investments, 13th Edition is structured around major themes, with an emphasis on nearly efficient markets and competitive financial environments. It’s ideal for graduate students and anyone preparing for the CFA exam.
Table Contents :
PART I: Introduction
- Chapter 1: The Investment Environment
- Chapter 2: Asset Classes and Financial Instruments
- Chapter 3: How Securities Are Traded
- Chapter 4: Mutual Funds and Other InvestmentCompanies
PART II: Portfolio Theory and Practice
- Chapter 5: Risk, Return, and the HistoricalRecord
- Chapter 6: Capital Allocation to Risky Assets
- Chapter 7: Efficient Diversification
- Chapter 8: Index Models
PART III: Equilibrium in Capital Markets
- Chapter 9: The Capital Asset Pricing Model
- Chapter 10: Arbitrage Pricing Theory andMultifactor Models of Risk and Return
- Chapter 11: The Efficient Market Hypothesis
- Chapter 12: Behavioral Finance and TechnicalAnalysis
- Chapter 13: Empirical Evidence on SecurityReturns
PART IV: Fixed-Income Securities
- Chapter 14: Bond Prices and Yields
- Chapter 15: The Term Structure of Interest Rates
- Chapter 16: Managing Bond Portfolios
PART V: Security Analysis
- Chapter 17: Macroeconomic and Industry Analysis
- Chapter 18: Equity Valuation Models
- Chapter 19: Financial Statement Analysis
PART VI: Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives
- Chapter 20: Options Markets: Introduction
- Chapter 21: Option Valuation
- Chapter 22: Futures Markets
- Chapter 23: Futures, Swaps, and Risk Management
- PART VII: Applied Portfolio Management
- Chapter 24: Portfolio Performance Evaluation
- Chapter 25: International Diversification
- Chapter 26: Alternative Assets
- Chapter 27: The Theory of Active PortfolioManagement
- Chapter 28: Investment Policy and the Frameworkof the CFA Institute
Explore Investments, 13th Edition on eLearnBooks.com to download the eBook PDF and gain access to detailed chapters on portfolio theory, fixed-income securities, and more.
Investments 13th Edition | ISE
eBook Details :
- Categories: Business & Economics - Investing
- Year: 2023
- Edition: 13
- Publisher: McGraw Hill
- Language: English
- ISBN 10: 1264412665
- ISBN 13: 9781264412662
- File: PDF, 14.26 MB