Introduction to Emergency Management 7th Edition 9780128171394

eBook Description


to Emergency Management 7th Edition By Jane Bullock , George Haddow , Damon P. Coppola | eBook PDF | ISBN-13: 978-0128171394 | Lifetime Access |



to Emergency Management, Seventh Edition, sets the standard for excellence in the field and has educated a generation of emergency managers. This long-trusted resource provides a broad overview of the key aspects of the emergency management profession. Readers will gain an understanding of why the emergency management profession exists, what actions its professionals and practitioners are tasked with performing, and what achievements are sought through the conduct of these various efforts. Students and new professionals alike will further gain an enhanced understanding of key terminology and concepts that enable them to work with emergency management specialists.

  • Emphasizes climate change as a key hazard faced by disaster managers
  • Includes coverage of social media as a critical tool in emergency management
  • Contains updated ancillaries, new examples, and case studies throughout

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eBook Description


to Emergency Management 7th Edition By Jane Bullock , George Haddow , Damon P. Coppola | eBook PDF | ISBN-13: 978-0128171394 | Lifetime Access |



to Emergency Management, Seventh Edition, sets the standard for excellence in the field and has educated a generation of emergency managers. This long-trusted resource provides a broad overview of the key aspects of the emergency management profession. Readers will gain an understanding of why the emergency management profession exists, what actions its professionals and practitioners are tasked with performing, and what achievements are sought through the conduct of these various efforts. Students and new professionals alike will further gain an enhanced understanding of key terminology and concepts that enable them to work with emergency management specialists.

  • Emphasizes climate change as a key hazard faced by disaster managers
  • Includes coverage of social media as a critical tool in emergency management
  • Contains updated ancillaries, new examples, and case studies throughout


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