Interplay: The Process of Interpersonal Communication 14th Edition

eBook Description

Packed with contemporary examples, cutting-edge research, and accessible writing, Interplay helps students apply insights from scholarship to everyday life. While highlighting the breadth of interpersonal communication research and theory, Interplay also gives students the practical skills
they need to improve their own relationships.

This new edition of Interplay is the most contemporary text available. The first chapter highlights masspersonal and multimodal communication, setting the stage for integration of social media and mediated communication throughout the book. Expanded discussions of intersectionality, code-switching,
disability studies, and gender and language emphasize the role of culture and identity in shaping interactions. Every chapter is full of updated features, including”Focus on Research” and “Dark Side of Communication” boxes. Students can explore and apply concepts with the viral videos and discussion
questions in the new “Watch and Discuss” activities that appear in every chapter. Oxford’s easy-to-use Dashboard Online Assessment system now features an integrated eBook, video clips, and interactive assignments-everything you and your students need, all in one place.

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eBook Description

Packed with contemporary examples, cutting-edge research, and accessible writing, Interplay helps students apply insights from scholarship to everyday life. While highlighting the breadth of interpersonal communication research and theory, Interplay also gives students the practical skills
they need to improve their own relationships.

This new edition of Interplay is the most contemporary text available. The first chapter highlights masspersonal and multimodal communication, setting the stage for integration of social media and mediated communication throughout the book. Expanded discussions of intersectionality, code-switching,
disability studies, and gender and language emphasize the role of culture and identity in shaping interactions. Every chapter is full of updated features, including”Focus on Research” and “Dark Side of Communication” boxes. Students can explore and apply concepts with the viral videos and discussion
questions in the new “Watch and Discuss” activities that appear in every chapter. Oxford’s easy-to-use Dashboard Online Assessment system now features an integrated eBook, video clips, and interactive assignments-everything you and your students need, all in one place.


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eBook Details

  • Year: 2019
  • Edition: 14th edition
  • Publisher: Oxford University Press
  • Language: english
  • Pages: 491
  • ISBN 13: 9780190646264
  • File: PDF, 90.51 MB