eBook Description
eBook Description :
Foundations of Parasitology 9th Edition (ISBN13 : 9780073524191) is an essential textbook for undergraduate students studying biology or zoology, focusing on the principles of parasitology. This comprehensive text emphasizes the foundational concepts of parasitology, covering the biology, physiology, morphology, and ecology of major parasites that affect humans and domestic animals. Unlike diagnostic manuals tailored for medical students, this book is designed to provide a deep understanding of parasitology’s scientific principles, making it ideal for students pursuing careers in biological sciences.
Key Features
- Comprehensive Coverage: Detailed exploration of the biology, ecology, and physiology of parasites, providing a solid foundation for students in biological sciences.
- Focus on Principles: Emphasizes the underlying principles of parasitology, helping students grasp the concepts necessary for advanced study and research.
- Wide Scope: Covers a vast range of parasites, including protozoa, nematodes, arthropods, and more, offering a thorough understanding of their form, function, and classification.
ISBN Information:
- Print ISBN-13: [9780073524191]
Table of Contents
to Parasitology
- Basic Principles and Concepts I: Parasite Systematics, Ecology, and Evolution
- Basic Principles and Concepts II: Immunology and Pathology
- Parasitic Prototoa: Form, Function, and Classification
- Kinetoplasta: Trypanosomes and Their Kin
- Other Flagellated Protozoa
- The Amebas
- Phylum Apicomplexa: Gregarines, Coccidia, and Related Organisms
- Phylum Apicomplexa: Malaria Organisms and Piroplasms
- Phylum Ciliophora: Ciliated Protistan Parasites
- Microsporida and Myxozoa: Parasites with Polar Filaments
- The Mesozoa: Pioneers or Degenerates?
to Phylum Platyhelminthes
- Trematoda: Aspidobothrea
- Trematoda: Form, Function, and Classification of Digeneans
- Digeneans: Strigeiformes
- Digeneans: Echinostomatiformes
- Digeneans: Plagiorchiformes and Opisthorchiformes
- Monogenoidea
- Cestoidea: Form, Function, and Classification of the Tapeworms
- Tapeworms
- Phylum Nematoda: Form, Function, and Classification
- Nematodes: Trichinellida and Dioctophymatida, Enoplean Parasites
- Nematodes: Tylenchina, Pioneering Parasites
- Nematodes: Strongyloidea, Bursate Rhabditidans
- Nematodes: Ascaridomorpha, Intestinal Large Roundworms
- Nematodes: Oxyuridomorpha, Pinworms
- Nematodes: Gnathostomatomorpha and Spiruromorpha, a Potpourri
- Nematodes: Filaroidea, Filiarial Worms
- Nematodes: Dracunculoidea, Guinea Worms and Others
- Phylum Nematomorpha, Hairworms
- Phylum Acanthocephala: Thorny-Headed Worms
- Phylum Arthropoda: Form, Function, and Classification
- Parasitic Crustaceans
- Pentastomida: Tongue Worms
- Parasitic Insects: Phthiraptera, Chewing and Sucking Lice
- Parasitic Insects: Hemiptera, Bugs
- Parasitic Insects: Fleas, Order Siphonaptera
- Parasitic Insects: Diptera, Flies
- Parasitic Insects: Strepsiptera, Hymenoptera, and Others
- Parasitic Arachnids: Subclass Acari, Ticks, and Mites
Foundations of Parasitology, 9th Edition is an authoritative resource that provides students with a deep understanding of the complex world of parasites. This text is ideal for those aiming to build a career in biology, zoology, or related fields, offering the knowledge needed to excel in advanced studies and research.
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