eBook Description
Focus on Nursing Pharmacology 8th Edition PDF by Amy M. Karch – ISBN13 : 9781975100964
About This eBook :
Master the Principles of Effective Drug Therapy
Current, concise, and optimized for today’s nursing practice, Focus on Nursing Pharmacology makes challenging concepts more approachable to establish a foundation for effective drug therapy throughout your nursing career. This updated 8th edition builds on your knowledge of physiology, chemistry and nursing fundamentals to help you conceptualize need-to-know information about each group of drugs, while engaging learning features cultivate your clinical application, critical thinking and patient education capabilities.
Key Features
- New! Concept Mastery Alerts alert you to commonly misunderstood concepts.
- New! Unfolding case-based vignettes written by the National League for Nursing bring concepts to life through realistic clinical scenarios.
- Concise, streamlined approach emphasizes need-to-know information for efficient learning.
- Nursing Processes clarify the process for planning patient-centered care.
- Critical Thinking Scenarios guide you through the collection and application of data for commonly encountered clinical interactions.
- Nursing Considerations sections detail the rationale behind each nursing intervention to enhance your clinical decision-making capabilities.
- Drug Lists at the beginning of each chapter enable fast identification of prototype drugs for each class.
- Drugs in Focus tables provide at-a-glance reference for generic and trade names, usual dosage and indications for each drug within a class.
- Focus on Safe Medication Administration boxes help you ensure patient safety and increase the therapeutic effectiveness of drugs.
- Focus on the Evidence boxes identify the best nursing practices associated with specific drugs based on available evidence.
- Focus on Herbal and Alternative Therapies alert you to known interactions with specific herbs or alternative therapies that could affect drug actions.
- Focus on Calculations refine your calculation and measurement skills.
- Focus on Drug Therapy Across the Lifespan boxes provide quick access to drug class considerations for use with children, adults and the elderly.
- Focus on Gender Considerations and Focus on Cultural Considerations help you ensure effective, culturally sensitive drug therapy across diverse populations.
- Check Your Understanding sections equip you for your exams with NCLEX®-style review questions, including alternate-format questions.
Table of Content :
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