Exceptional Children An Introduction to Special Education 11th Edition (ISBN-13: 9780135160428) by William L. Heward, Sheila R. Alber-Morgan, and Moira Konrad, offers a thorough and insightful introduction to the field of special education. The text provides an engaging overview of exceptional children, their families, and the teachers who work with them. With a focus on research-based practices, this edition equips readers with the knowledge to promote student achievement. The book features real-life experiences from 15 teachers to illustrate key concepts and help readers connect theory with practice.
In this Eleventh Edition, the authors incorporate the latest professional trends, research, and classroom practices that are central to the dynamic and evolving field of special education. From intellectual disabilities to gifted and talented students, the book covers a wide spectrum of special educational needs.
Please note: This eBook version does not include any access codes, media, or video content that may come packaged with the print version.
Key Features:
• Real-World Applications: Real-life case studies from experienced teachers to demonstrate practical applications of special education principles.
• Comprehensive Scope: Covers a wide range of disabilities, including autism spectrum disorder, communication disorders, and ADHD.
• Research-Based Practices: Emphasizes research-backed strategies to improve educational outcomes for exceptional students.
• Latest Trends: Includes the most recent updates in laws, policies, and best practices related to special education.
Brief Contents :
Part I: Foundations for Understanding Special Education
1. The Purpose and Promise of Special Education
2. Planning and Providing Special Education Services
3. Collaborating with Families
Part II: Educational Needs of Exceptional Students
4. Intellectual Disabilities
5. Learning Disabilities
6. Emotional or Behavioral Disorders
7. Autism Spectrum Disorder
8. Communication Disorders
9. Deafness and Hearing Loss
10. Blindness and Low Vision
11. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Health Impairments, and Physical Disabilities
12. Low-Incidence Disabilities: Multiple Disabilities, Deaf-Blindness, and Traumatic Brain Injury
13. Gifted and Talented
Part III: Special Education Across the Life Span
14. Early Childhood Special Education
15. Transition to Adulthood
Postscript: Developing Your Own View of Special Education
Name Index
Subject Index
Find Exceptional Children An Introduction to Special Education 11th Edition at eLearnBooks.com for an engaging, research-driven introduction to the world of special education.
Exceptional Children An Introduction to Special Education 11th Edition
eBook Details :
- Categories: Education Studies & Teaching - Special Education
- Year: 2016
- Edition: 11
- Publisher: Pearson
- Language: English
- Pages: 641
- ISBN 13: 9780135160428
- Series: What’s New in Special Education
- File: PDF, 35.72 MB