CURRENT Diagnosis and Treatment Neurology, Third Edition 3rd Edtion

eBook Description

Practical, up-to-date strategies for assessing and managing the neurologic conditions most frequently seen in adults and children
• Introductory chapters address specific symptoms and diagnostic procedures; subsequent chapters are disease specific and adhere to a standard format, beginning with Essentials of Diagnosis, followed by Clinical Findings, Differential Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prognosis• Coverage of disorders in both adults and children• Thorough coverage of diagnostic tests and the very latest pharmacologic treatments• Practical information on common conditions such as headaches, movement disorders, and central nervous system infections• Valuable to anyone who sees patients with neurologic complaints, whether in primary care or the neurology clinic• Expert help with ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke, epilepsy, sleeping disorders, dizziness, hearing loss, dementia and memory loss, and more• Each chapter written by experts in that area, without losing readability or coherence

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eBook Description

Practical, up-to-date strategies for assessing and managing the neurologic conditions most frequently seen in adults and children
• Introductory chapters address specific symptoms and diagnostic procedures; subsequent chapters are disease specific and adhere to a standard format, beginning with Essentials of Diagnosis, followed by Clinical Findings, Differential Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prognosis• Coverage of disorders in both adults and children• Thorough coverage of diagnostic tests and the very latest pharmacologic treatments• Practical information on common conditions such as headaches, movement disorders, and central nervous system infections• Valuable to anyone who sees patients with neurologic complaints, whether in primary care or the neurology clinic• Expert help with ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke, epilepsy, sleeping disorders, dizziness, hearing loss, dementia and memory loss, and more• Each chapter written by experts in that area, without losing readability or coherence


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eBook Details

Author: John C. M. Brust

Categories: Medicine – Neurology

Year: 2019

Edition: 3rd Edition

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education

Language: English

Pages: 632

ISBN 13: 9781259835315

File: PDF, 38.38 MB