Fundamentals of Forensic Science 3rd Edition By Max M. Houck, Jay A. Siegel

eBook Description

Download Fundamentals of Forensic Science 3rd Edition By Max M. Houck, Jay A. Siegel | eBook PDF | ISBN-13: 978-0128000373 | Lifetime Access |


Fundamentals of Forensic Science, Third Edition, provides current case studies that reflect the ways professional forensic scientists work, not how forensic academicians teach. The book includes the binding principles of forensic science, including the relationships between people, places, and things as demonstrated by transferred evidence, the context of those people, places, and things, and the meaningfulness of the physical evidence discovered, along with its value in the justice system.

Written by two of the leading experts in forensic science today, the book approaches the field from a truly unique and exciting perspective, giving readers a new understanding and appreciation for crime scenes as recent pieces of history, each with evidence that tells a story.

  • Straightforward organization that includes key terms, numerous feature boxes emphasizing online resources, historical events, and figures in forensic science
  • Compelling, actual cases are included at the start of each chapter to illustrate the principles being covered
  • Effective training, including end-of-chapter questions – paired with a clear writing style making this an invaluable resource for professors and students of forensic science
  • Over 250 vivid, color illustrations that diagram key concepts and depict evidence encountered in the field

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eBook Description

Download Fundamentals of Forensic Science 3rd Edition By Max M. Houck, Jay A. Siegel | eBook PDF | ISBN-13: 978-0128000373 | Lifetime Access |


Fundamentals of Forensic Science, Third Edition, provides current case studies that reflect the ways professional forensic scientists work, not how forensic academicians teach. The book includes the binding principles of forensic science, including the relationships between people, places, and things as demonstrated by transferred evidence, the context of those people, places, and things, and the meaningfulness of the physical evidence discovered, along with its value in the justice system.

Written by two of the leading experts in forensic science today, the book approaches the field from a truly unique and exciting perspective, giving readers a new understanding and appreciation for crime scenes as recent pieces of history, each with evidence that tells a story.

  • Straightforward organization that includes key terms, numerous feature boxes emphasizing online resources, historical events, and figures in forensic science
  • Compelling, actual cases are included at the start of each chapter to illustrate the principles being covered
  • Effective training, including end-of-chapter questions – paired with a clear writing style making this an invaluable resource for professors and students of forensic science
  • Over 250 vivid, color illustrations that diagram key concepts and depict evidence encountered in the field


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