Medical Terminology for Health Professions by Ann Ehrlich 8th Edition

eBook Description

MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY FOR HEALTH PROFESSIONS, 8E simplifies the process of memorizing complex medical terminology by focusing on the important word parts—common prefixes, suffixes and root words—that provide a foundation for learning hundreds of medical terms. Organized by body systems, chapters follow a logical flow of information: an overview of the body system’s structure and functions, a summary of applicable medical specialties, and ultimately pathology, diagnostic, and treatment procedures. An expanded section on complementary and alternative therapies reflects the changing role of holistic health care. A convenient table of abbreviations is included at the end of every chapter, while resourceful appendices offer a listing of abbreviations, a table of word parts and their meanings, and a glossary of pathology and procedures. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.

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eBook Description

MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY FOR HEALTH PROFESSIONS, 8E simplifies the process of memorizing complex medical terminology by focusing on the important word parts—common prefixes, suffixes and root words—that provide a foundation for learning hundreds of medical terms. Organized by body systems, chapters follow a logical flow of information: an overview of the body system’s structure and functions, a summary of applicable medical specialties, and ultimately pathology, diagnostic, and treatment procedures. An expanded section on complementary and alternative therapies reflects the changing role of holistic health care. A convenient table of abbreviations is included at the end of every chapter, while resourceful appendices offer a listing of abbreviations, a table of word parts and their meanings, and a glossary of pathology and procedures. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.


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eBook Details

  • Year: 2020
  • Edition: 8 th
  • Publisher: Cengage Learning
  • Language: english
  • Pages: 706
  • ISBN-13: 978-1305634350
  • ISBN-10: 1305634357
  • File: PDF, 56.28 MB