Microbiology: An Introduction 12th Edition by Gerard Tortora

eBook Description

NOTE: You are purchasing a standalone product; MasteringMicrobiology does not come packaged with this content. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MasteringMicrobiology search for ISBN-10: 032192892X/ISBN-13: 9780321928924. That package includes ISBN-10: 0321929152/ISBN-13: 9780321929150 and ISBN-10: 0133905527/ISBN-13:9780133905526 .

Master Microbiology where it matters.  Everywhere.


An engaging and clear approach to learning complex microbiology topics and theory

Praised for its exceptionally clear presentation of complex topics, this #1-selling text for microbiology non-majors provides a careful balance of concepts and applications, proven art that teaches and the most robust, dynamic media in MasteringMicrobiology. The Twelfth Edition ofTortora, Funke, and Case’s Microbiology: An


 focuses on big picture concepts and themes in microbiology, encouraging students to visualize and synthesize tough topics such as microbial metabolism, immunology, and microbial genetics.  The text and accompanying resources also help students make connections between microbiology theory and disease diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.

Also available with MasteringMicrobiology
MasteringMicrobiology is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment resource that helps students quickly master concepts and improve course results. Students benefit from self-paced tutorials that feature immediate wrong-answer feedback and hints that emulate the instructor office-hour experience to help keep students on track. With a wide range of interactive, engaging, and assignable activities, students are encouraged to actively learn and retain tough course concepts.

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eBook Description

NOTE: You are purchasing a standalone product; MasteringMicrobiology does not come packaged with this content. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MasteringMicrobiology search for ISBN-10: 032192892X/ISBN-13: 9780321928924. That package includes ISBN-10: 0321929152/ISBN-13: 9780321929150 and ISBN-10: 0133905527/ISBN-13:9780133905526 .

Master Microbiology where it matters.  Everywhere.


An engaging and clear approach to learning complex microbiology topics and theory

Praised for its exceptionally clear presentation of complex topics, this #1-selling text for microbiology non-majors provides a careful balance of concepts and applications, proven art that teaches and the most robust, dynamic media in MasteringMicrobiology. The Twelfth Edition ofTortora, Funke, and Case’s Microbiology: An


 focuses on big picture concepts and themes in microbiology, encouraging students to visualize and synthesize tough topics such as microbial metabolism, immunology, and microbial genetics.  The text and accompanying resources also help students make connections between microbiology theory and disease diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.

Also available with MasteringMicrobiology
MasteringMicrobiology is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment resource that helps students quickly master concepts and improve course results. Students benefit from self-paced tutorials that feature immediate wrong-answer feedback and hints that emulate the instructor office-hour experience to help keep students on track. With a wide range of interactive, engaging, and assignable activities, students are encouraged to actively learn and retain tough course concepts.


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eBook Details

  • Author(s) : Gerard TortoraBerdell FunkeChristine Case
  • Published : 2016
  • Publisher : Pearson
  • Format : eTextBook  969 pages 
  • ISBN 13 : 978-0321929150
  • ISBN 10 : 0321929152
  • Edition 12th, Twelfth, 12e
  • File : PDF 188 MB