eBook Description
Now it’s easier than ever to understand and interpret basic dysrhythmias! Barbara J. Aehlert’s ECGs Made Easy, 5th Edition usesa clear,conversational approach and plenty of practice exercises to help you learn ECG recognition. Add the practice rhythm strips in the book with those on the Evolve companion website, and you have more than 500 practice strips for ECG interpretation. Each ECG rhythm includes a sample rhythm strip and a discussion of possible patient symptoms and general treatment guidelines. Also included are ECG Pearls with insights based on real-world experience, Drug Pearls highlighting medications used to treat dysrhythmias, and a handy plastic heart rate calculator ruler for fast interpretation of rhythms.
- Clear ECG discussions highlight what you need to know about ECG mechanisms, rhythms, and heart blocks, such as: How Do I Recognize It?What Causes It? What Do I Do About It?
- ECG Pearl boxes offer useful hints for interpreting ECGs, such as the importance of the escape pacemaker.
- Drug Pearl boxes highlight various medications used to treat dysrhythmias.
to the 12-Lead ECG chapter provides all the basics for this advanced skill, including determining electrical axis, ECG changes associated with myocardial ischemia and infarction, bundle branch block, and other conditions.
- A comprehensive post-test at the end of the book measures your understanding.
- A heart rate calculator ruler is included with each textbook, so you can measure heart rates while practicing ECG recognition.
- Chapter objectives and key terms focus your attention on the most important information.
- Updated content includes 25 new photos and drawings, for a total of almost 500 illustrations — all in full color.
- NEW! 10 practice rhythm strips and 65 replacement rhythms are added to the Stop and Reviewchapter quizzes for a total of 215 practice strips in the book.
- NEWAnimation boxes indicate when you can view animations of key material on the Evolve companion website.
- NEW!20 replacement rhythm strips are added to the Evolve site for a total of 100 practice strips online — together with the book, there are now 315 workable practice strips available.
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