Ecology 5th Edition by Bowman Hacker (Enhanced Version)

eBook Description

Ecology 5th Edition by Bowman Hacker eBook PDF   (Enhanced Version) –  ISBN13: 9781605359212


About This eBook : 

The bestselling textbook for undergraduate ecology courses, Ecology is an easy-to-read and well-organized text for instructors and students to explore the basics of the field. Bowman and Hacker motivate students with an engaging case study-driven, conceptual approach that highlights relevant
applications and data-driven examples. The new fifth edition is available in a dynamic and interactive Enhanced eBook at an affordable price.


Table of Content 


1. The Web of LifeUnit 
1: Organisms and Their Environment
2. The Physical Environment
3. The Biosphere
4. Coping with Environmental Variation: Temperature and Water
5. Coping with Environmental Variation: Energy
Unit 2: Evolutionary Ecology
6. Evolution and Ecology
7. Life History
8. Behavioral Ecology
Unit 3: Populations
9. Population Distribution and Abundance
10. Population Dynamics
11. Population Growth and Regulation
Unit 4: Species Interactions
12. Predation
13. Parasitism
14. Competition
15. Mutualism and Commensalism
Unit 5: Communities
16. The Nature of Communities
17. Change in Communities
18. Biogeography
19. Species Diversity in Communities
Unit 6: Ecosystems
20. Production
21. Energy Flow and Food Webs
22. Nutrient Supply and Cycling
Unit 7: Applied and Large-Scale Ecology
23. Conservation Biology
24. Landscape Ecology and Ecosystem Management
25. Global Ecology
Appendix: Some Metric Measurements Used in Ecology

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eBook Description

Ecology 5th Edition by Bowman Hacker eBook PDF   (Enhanced Version) –  ISBN13: 9781605359212


About This eBook : 

The bestselling textbook for undergraduate ecology courses, Ecology is an easy-to-read and well-organized text for instructors and students to explore the basics of the field. Bowman and Hacker motivate students with an engaging case study-driven, conceptual approach that highlights relevant
applications and data-driven examples. The new fifth edition is available in a dynamic and interactive Enhanced eBook at an affordable price.


Table of Content 


1. The Web of LifeUnit 
1: Organisms and Their Environment
2. The Physical Environment
3. The Biosphere
4. Coping with Environmental Variation: Temperature and Water
5. Coping with Environmental Variation: Energy
Unit 2: Evolutionary Ecology
6. Evolution and Ecology
7. Life History
8. Behavioral Ecology
Unit 3: Populations
9. Population Distribution and Abundance
10. Population Dynamics
11. Population Growth and Regulation
Unit 4: Species Interactions
12. Predation
13. Parasitism
14. Competition
15. Mutualism and Commensalism
Unit 5: Communities
16. The Nature of Communities
17. Change in Communities
18. Biogeography
19. Species Diversity in Communities
Unit 6: Ecosystems
20. Production
21. Energy Flow and Food Webs
22. Nutrient Supply and Cycling
Unit 7: Applied and Large-Scale Ecology
23. Conservation Biology
24. Landscape Ecology and Ecosystem Management
25. Global Ecology
Appendix: Some Metric Measurements Used in Ecology


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eBook Details

  • Categories: Mathematics
  • Year: 2020
  • Edition: 5
  • Publisher: Sinauer Associates is an imprint of Oxford University Press
  • Language: English
  • Pages: 1107
  • ISBN13  9781605359212
  • ISBN: 2019039428
  • File: PDF, 308.17 MB