eBook Description
Applied Behavior Analysis for Teachers 9th Edition pdf eBook online – applied behavior analysis classroom ISBN 13: 9780132655972 ISBN 13: 9780134027098
About this ebook :
From the Back Cover:
For over 30 years, the author team of Alberto and Troutman has written a technically sound, systematically organized and highly-readable text for students of applied behavior analysis, behavior management, and behavior modification courses. The text continues its tradition of aiding students in their understanding of the core concepts of applied behavior analysis, how to apply these concepts in the classroom, and to use the tools and methods appropriately and ethically. Scholarly and empirically based, this market-leading text gives students what they need to understand using the principles and practices of applied behavior analysis in the classroom in a friendly, accessible–even fun–manner.
New to the ninth edition:
- Substantially revised text: Research citations no longer interrupt the flow of the text and are gathered together at the ends of paragraphs. The complexity of the language itself has also been revised for greater accessibility.
- Additional examples of and applications for diverse general education inclusive classroom: Clinical examples have been deleted and the chapter-ending discussion questions have been revised.
- Updated information about using applied behavior analysis with students with Autism Spectrum Disorders.
- Additional information on positive behavioral support
- Reordered chapters: The former chapter 12, Responsible Use of Applied Behavior Analysis Procedures, has become chapter 2 which better emphasizes the importance of applying procedures ethically.
- Chapter 9 (former Chapter 8) has been heavily revised: The concept of punishment is acknowledged to be controversial and the multiplicity of viewpoints is addressed.
About the Author: Paul A. Alberto
After receiving his undergraduate degree from Hunter College in New York City he taught elementary aged students with intellectual disabilities in the south Bronx. While teaching he completed a master’s degree in Special Education: mental retardation at Fordham University. He moved to Atlanta and completed his PhD in Special Education: Severe Disabilities at Georgia State University. His professional career in higher education has been at GSU in the Department of Educational Psychology and Special Education. He is coordinator of the teacher education program in Multiple and Severe Disabilities. He is Co-Director of the program in Applied Behavior Analysis, and is Co-Director of the University Initiative on Language and Literacy. Since 2003 he has served as co-editor of the journal Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities. Currently he is Principal Investigator on a grant from the Institute on Education Sciences entitled “Integrated Literacy for Students with Moderate and Severe Disabilities.”
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