Research Methods and Statistics A Critical Thinking Approach 5th Edition

eBook Description

Discover and Download Research methods and statistics a critical thinking approach 5th edition | PDF | eBook ISBN 10: 1305563832  | ISBN 13: 9781305563834


About This eBook : 


RESEARCH METHODS AND STATISTICS: A CRITICAL THINKING APPROACH 5th Edition, successfully illustrates the integration between statistics and research methods by demonstrating the ways to use statistics in analyzing data collected during research. This combined book adopts an inviting narrative style that speaks directly to readers and draws them into the material, helping them overcome the initial apprehension they may feel at the prospect of learning both subject areas at once. Focusing on the logic of the process and the methodology aspect of research, Jackson incorporates a friendly critical-thinking approach and presents examples and exercises to which readers can relate.


What’s New : 


The fifth edition contains 15 chapters, as did the previous edition. However several of the chapters have been reorganized and new information has been added. For instance, Chapters 9 and 10 have been reorganized so an experimental design and the parametric statistic appropriate for that design are covered in the same chapter. Chapter 9 introduces simple between-subjects designs and the parametric statistic appropriate to analyze the data from this design. Chapter 10 does the same for correlated-groups designs.A new Chapter 14 covers nonparametric statistics, including new coverage of two advanced nonparametric statistics: the Kruskal-Wallis test and the Friedman test.Chapter 15 covers APA manuscript guidelines according to the sixth edition of the publication manual; the APA sample paper has been moved to an appendix.More recent research examples have been added throughout the text.


Features : 


  • Jackson presents information in a simple, direct, and easy-to-understand fashion, writing in an engaging conversational style that reviewers and students praise.
  • This concise text covers only those statistics most used by psychologists, integrating a brief statistical supplement within a methods text.
  • Each chapter begins with an outline, and a running glossary throughout the text assists students in understanding and remembering key terms.
  • “In Review” tables found at the end of major sections summarize key concepts and help students check their understanding of chapter content.
  • “Critical Thinking Checks,” found immediately after each “In Review” table, include a series of application questions that give students opportunities to think in greater depth about the information covered in that section.
  • At the end of every chapter, students are provided with a summary, a list of the key terms, chapter exercises, and answers to the “Critical Thinking Checks.” A built-in study guide-featuring additional summary material as well as fill-in and multiple-choice self-tests-also appears at the end of each chapter.


Table of Contents


  •  Thinking Like a Scientist.
  • 2. Getting Started: Ideas, Resources, and Ethics.
  • 3. Defining, Measuring, and Manipulating Variables.
  • 4. Descriptive Methods.
  • 5. Data Organization and Descriptive Statistics.
  • 6. Correlational Methods and Statistics.
  • 7. Probability and Hypothesis Testing.
  • 8.


    to Inferential Statistics.

  • 9. Experimental Design and Analysis I: Between-Subjects Designs.
  • 10. Experimental Design and Analysis II: Correlated-Groups Designs.
  • 11. Experimental Design and Analysis III: Designs with More Than Two Levels of an Independent Variable.
  • 12. Experimental Design and Analysis IV: Complex Experimental Designs.
  • 13. Quasi-Experimental and Single-Case Designs.
  • 14. Nonparametric Inferential Statistics.
  • 15. APA Communication Guidelines.
  • Appendix A. Statistical Tables.
  • Appendix B. Computational Formulas for ANOVAs.
  • Appendix C. Answers to Odd-Numbered Chapter Exercises and All Review Exercises.
  • Appendix D: Getting Started with Excel, SPSS, and the TI-84 Calculator.
  • References.

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eBook Description

Discover and Download Research methods and statistics a critical thinking approach 5th edition | PDF | eBook ISBN 10: 1305563832  | ISBN 13: 9781305563834


About This eBook : 


RESEARCH METHODS AND STATISTICS: A CRITICAL THINKING APPROACH 5th Edition, successfully illustrates the integration between statistics and research methods by demonstrating the ways to use statistics in analyzing data collected during research. This combined book adopts an inviting narrative style that speaks directly to readers and draws them into the material, helping them overcome the initial apprehension they may feel at the prospect of learning both subject areas at once. Focusing on the logic of the process and the methodology aspect of research, Jackson incorporates a friendly critical-thinking approach and presents examples and exercises to which readers can relate.


What’s New : 


The fifth edition contains 15 chapters, as did the previous edition. However several of the chapters have been reorganized and new information has been added. For instance, Chapters 9 and 10 have been reorganized so an experimental design and the parametric statistic appropriate for that design are covered in the same chapter. Chapter 9 introduces simple between-subjects designs and the parametric statistic appropriate to analyze the data from this design. Chapter 10 does the same for correlated-groups designs.A new Chapter 14 covers nonparametric statistics, including new coverage of two advanced nonparametric statistics: the Kruskal-Wallis test and the Friedman test.Chapter 15 covers APA manuscript guidelines according to the sixth edition of the publication manual; the APA sample paper has been moved to an appendix.More recent research examples have been added throughout the text.


Features : 


  • Jackson presents information in a simple, direct, and easy-to-understand fashion, writing in an engaging conversational style that reviewers and students praise.
  • This concise text covers only those statistics most used by psychologists, integrating a brief statistical supplement within a methods text.
  • Each chapter begins with an outline, and a running glossary throughout the text assists students in understanding and remembering key terms.
  • “In Review” tables found at the end of major sections summarize key concepts and help students check their understanding of chapter content.
  • “Critical Thinking Checks,” found immediately after each “In Review” table, include a series of application questions that give students opportunities to think in greater depth about the information covered in that section.
  • At the end of every chapter, students are provided with a summary, a list of the key terms, chapter exercises, and answers to the “Critical Thinking Checks.” A built-in study guide-featuring additional summary material as well as fill-in and multiple-choice self-tests-also appears at the end of each chapter.


Table of Contents


  •  Thinking Like a Scientist.
  • 2. Getting Started: Ideas, Resources, and Ethics.
  • 3. Defining, Measuring, and Manipulating Variables.
  • 4. Descriptive Methods.
  • 5. Data Organization and Descriptive Statistics.
  • 6. Correlational Methods and Statistics.
  • 7. Probability and Hypothesis Testing.
  • 8.


    to Inferential Statistics.

  • 9. Experimental Design and Analysis I: Between-Subjects Designs.
  • 10. Experimental Design and Analysis II: Correlated-Groups Designs.
  • 11. Experimental Design and Analysis III: Designs with More Than Two Levels of an Independent Variable.
  • 12. Experimental Design and Analysis IV: Complex Experimental Designs.
  • 13. Quasi-Experimental and Single-Case Designs.
  • 14. Nonparametric Inferential Statistics.
  • 15. APA Communication Guidelines.
  • Appendix A. Statistical Tables.
  • Appendix B. Computational Formulas for ANOVAs.
  • Appendix C. Answers to Odd-Numbered Chapter Exercises and All Review Exercises.
  • Appendix D: Getting Started with Excel, SPSS, and the TI-84 Calculator.
  • References.


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eBook Details

LifeTime Access

  • Categories: Mathematics
  • Year: 2015
  • Edition: 5th Edition
  • Publisher: Cengage Learning
  • Language: English
  • Pages: 530
  • ISBN 10: 1305257790
  • ISBN 13: 9781305257795
  • File: PDF, 18.09 MB